Kawaii dake ja Nai Shikimori-san

Why did her anime flop? It had everything:cute girl, happy couple, sexy mom.

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can't speak for anyone else, but i stopped watching because i found the mc totally uninteresting

The best good episode was the one that focused on secondary character

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Girl's feet

Doubt it. I don't see her job anywhere

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I wonder the same.
It was hyped as the Bisque Doll killer, but came and left without generating any waves.

Guy is too submissive Girl is too dominant

Don’t give a fuck about her anime. Only sticking to her manga desu. I think her manga still got a decent boost in sales so that’s fine.

Is that a bad thing

These two are lovely and dating!

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>tfw no shikimori gf
i hate my life

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Yeah, MC was way too bland. It got to the point that I just didn't find it believable that Shikimori would be interested in him in any way.

Need pink gf

Kamiya was the best part and she was around for like 4 episodes at most.

Hamless, forgettable fluff.

Cute married couple.

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because of the stupid hype it got with the PV. YOu only need to read the manga to see it's shit.

Submissive MC because romance anime for the past decade have been trying to appeal to its increasingly beta asian male audience for them to insert themselves into. When are we getting more MCs like Harima?

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