
What made her so memorable?

Attached: 1632058561051.jpg (1920x1080, 285.27K)

/ai/ here, that autistic shitposter probably had something to do with it

>/ai/ here

Attached: [Serenae] Delicious Party♡Precure - 11 (720p).mkv_snapshot_07.07_[2022.05.22_20.05.53].png (1280x720, 972.82K)

Looks like they made another thread but forgot to include Precure in the description lmao

Go fuck yourself autistic schizo.

I only skimmed through Balala episodes but yeah the characters seem pretty flawled, less soccer moms in China compared to Japan I guess, I think pretty had a healthy approach between the two sides in the past but it's certainly more "idealistic" now.

>Posts any Cure in the OP
>Any Cure at all
>Posts Laura
>AuTiStIc ScHiZo!1!1 >:(

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This is bait I am responding to because it implies this same thread with the same image with the same OP text hasn't already been made several times already, they couldn't even bother using a new Laura
Anyway the other thread is guaranteed to die so it doesn't matter

It's a single image.
You don't have to throw an autistic tantrum because of it.

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someone made a thread for hikari's bday. i hope we use that instead of this garbage that's going to be fill of the same schizo crap as last thread because it's the same guy again.

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You're the only schizo here. You have compulsive, paranoid behavior.
Your autistic behavior has been throwing /pc/ in disarray for months now.

Do you think these gaslights actually work? Kill yourself you piece of shit. leave the threads alone

>Guys, use that thread I created instead of this one because I created a magic barrier around that one that will impede the shitposter to shitpost!
Apply to a mental institution.

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No one here fucking cares about Laura in the OP except you.

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I love Laura

We all do sweetheart

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Laura is so sweet

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