What made her so memorable?
/ai/ here, that autistic shitposter probably had something to do with it
>/ai/ here
Looks like they made another thread but forgot to include Precure in the description lmao
Go fuck yourself autistic schizo.
I only skimmed through Balala episodes but yeah the characters seem pretty flawled, less soccer moms in China compared to Japan I guess, I think pretty had a healthy approach between the two sides in the past but it's certainly more "idealistic" now.
>Posts any Cure in the OP
>Any Cure at all
>Posts Laura
>AuTiStIc ScHiZo!1!1 >:(
This is bait I am responding to because it implies this same thread with the same image with the same OP text hasn't already been made several times already, they couldn't even bother using a new Laura
Anyway the other thread is guaranteed to die so it doesn't matter
It's a single image.
You don't have to throw an autistic tantrum because of it.
someone made a thread for hikari's bday. i hope we use that instead of this garbage that's going to be fill of the same schizo crap as last thread because it's the same guy again.
You're the only schizo here. You have compulsive, paranoid behavior.
Your autistic behavior has been throwing /pc/ in disarray for months now.
Do you think these gaslights actually work? Kill yourself you piece of shit. leave the threads alone
>Guys, use that thread I created instead of this one because I created a magic barrier around that one that will impede the shitposter to shitpost!
Apply to a mental institution.
No one here fucking cares about Laura in the OP except you.
I love Laura
We all do sweetheart
Laura is so sweet