>ereh... embrace my manly muscular body and feel reassured... i know you love it because of your daddy issued and want a strong male figure in your life to idolize... i bet you feel the same way about my motherly approach to you,.. it must have been rough losing carla...
Shingeki no Kyojin
muscle girls are pretty wives
We can't just force threads Mikasanon.
There’s already a snk thread so we should use it
But no, somehow people are still willing to talk about this serie (thread yesterday got 100+ replies, often much more per day) and I’d rather it not be in bait threads filled with people seething at Eren’s breakdown
New official art
Aw yeah my nigga Pixis.
imagine if we actually got even a tenth of this between EM...
fuck you hacksayama
BAby is so cute
Quick post that one junior high panel where Sasha tells mikasa she has to become Eren’s mom, friend, sister, teacher... everything to him
Ten years at least!
Cute & rabu thEM
Oh we have a thread, ok someone answer me, how did Armong know about the cabin AU Mikasasisters?
He actually doesn’t quote anything in the official release, what you are posting is a fan translation
But eren just gave armin an infodump of everything retard, read the fucking story
AOE is happening fellas. Have faith
Yeah, Kekren crying about mikasa as he has his spine ripped off and eaten by Falco
Falco who then would fuck mikasa btw
>BAfat are troll falsefag
Post content that makes user seeth, you don't have to agree with it, just post things that you have.