Long live the queen

Long live the queen

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the best

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How would she look at 96?

KWADB (kek what a dead bitch)

Why'd she do it?

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Why is the Queen so flat?

Cute yuri!!!!!


Now the old queen is dead, long live the king.


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The commander orders them to love each other. That's how he creates harmony in the fleet.

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Playable when?

>Queen Elizabeth II dead
Now I understand this thread and the Code Geass threads about Charles zi Britannia.

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would be better if he also gave them dicks

They're sisters!

lesbian incest doesn't cause inbred children

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>deleting comments from her profile
Why is manjuu so no fun allowed, same happened with Kyiv

And every other single slav boat.

Anyway, back to sex.

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how self insert can even compete? xd