Kinda weird how a digimon from a kid's show is the biggest angel in anime...

Kinda weird how a digimon from a kid's show is the biggest angel in anime, nips have done a lot of popular demons and devils but classic angels are absent at large, it's just Angemon.

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Gabriel is a classic angel.

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Well they're definitely not that popular or angelic-looking.


I've seen enough anime to not get baited into calling it a girl without proof

Damn, I thought for sure we had him fooled.

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Angelbros, not like this

Gabriel is a man's name, I don't blame him to play it safe since male angels tend to look feminine

frankly it wasnt as satisfying because the whole premise was he's just so damn pure and innocent he can't stand to let his friends get beaten up.
10/10 transformation sequence
8/10 fight
4/10 follow up since it became a rarely used powerup and the story had to contort around this character to keep him from being there during critical fights.

imagine if goku got stuck in space, continually having to go back to space to pay off favors owed or debts accrued to space-friends and only showing up to deliver final blows to already weakened enemies. That was angemon except he wasnt in space, he just stayed untransformed or far away from the fighting.

>imagine if goku got stuck in space, continually having to go back to space to pay off favors owed or debts accrued to space-friends and only showing up to deliver final blows to already weakened enemies
That's Goku for most of Z though, just change being in space to being dead or training

and yet it was still more satisfying. also goku got to spend a lot of time on screen training.
angemon literally ceases to exist once the fight is over.

Imagine if Any Forums wasn't a place where people posted screenshots from socia media sites with blurry text and dumb "nerd" memes.

kys moeshitter


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>classic angels are absent at large, it's just Angemon
Digimon has angels of all varieties - classic ones, crazy lawfags, fallen angels, you name it. Seraphimon, MagnaAngemon, Angewomon, and Lucemon are all quite popular in their own right.
At the end of the day, though, demons/devils are just cooler and sexier. Tough to compete with that.

For some reason demons are usually stronger (Ladydevimon/Angewomon)

patamon into angemon was great.

but the magnaangemon transformation was legendary.
all hope was lost and then he clowned on piedmon.

not even close.

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Rule of cool is one simple explanation. Kenji Watanabe is a huge fan of Spawn, Hellboy, Megaten, and probably Devilman too, so that probably also figures into why there's so many strong demonic Digimon. Kakudo, Konaka, Habu and Volcano Ota have all also pointed to the occult as a big influence on Digimon's lore.

Attached: sachiel rocket grab.webm (960x720, 2.89M)

I don't think any of his other angel intros or chapters tops Angemon's. One of the best moments of all Digimon.