Today I had my second animation class. The ride was better than before

Today I had my second animation class. The ride was better than before.

>we start with basic anatomy proportions, canons too
>different views of the human body
>teacher is a Japfag confirmed
>starts with recommending Hiroyuki Okiura's Jin-Roh: The Wolf Brigade
>study Tatsuyuki Tanaka's work
>Satoshi Kon is the best director Japan has produced in 20 years
>watch Perfect Blue, Millennium Actress, Tokyo Godfathers and Paprika
>more anatomy concepts
>then moves on to Western Animation
>highlights Bruce Timm's work (Batman: The Animated Series)
>there's a difference between being an illustrator and an animator
>always remember and study the Nine Old Men, especially their Solid Drawing
>class ends

A few final words:
>practice A LOT, like 8 hours a day, not a single second less, you'll eat from this, git gud or btfo
>you don't need the most expensive tablet to draw, a single Wacom One is enough for everyone
>draw what you like, remember to always have fun

PS. He also mentioned he finds funny how nearly every student, if not all of them think animation started with Japan and anime when animation as we know it today started with Disney and the Nine Old Men.

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nice blog
I don't remember subscribing though
check em and kill yourself you nigger

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>practice 8 horus a day
>have fun

Nobody wants anime made by a fucking gaijin

Based. Have fun animating whatever jew agenda netflix decides to propagandize now

>practice A LOT, like 8 hours a day
thats pretty fucking dumb

Don't mind these guys and follow your dreams you magnificent drawfag!

this is a really inspiring thread! im going to draw and go to animation school now!

anything on hanna-barbera or other wonderful old western studios?

Is it all digital or is there much paper drawing?

Get a refund. Your teacher doesn't know jack shit about animation.

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Not yet. I think next class.

We will learn digital, but teacher wants us to practice in paper exclusively first.

And a random 4channer does. Sure, buddy.

Sounds good. Paper is so much more responsive even if it's more labour intensive.

Will you have to eventually produce your own little animation project?

Yeah, that's the final project of this semester. I wonder if it's with a small team or alone.

>And a random 4channer does. Sure, buddy.
Look buddy all I'm saying is you should study what those creators studied to get good, not study their output
Don't watch a bunch of cartoons to learn how things should move. Download reference videos and go people watching
Don't get tunnel vision and fall for The anchoring effect

Posts your animations if you want people to listen to your advice user.

Listening to random dudes with no credit to their name is how you end up following bad advice.

>>starts with recommending Hiroyuki Okiura's Jin-Roh: The Wolf Brigade
>>study Tatsuyuki Tanaka's work
>>Satoshi Kon is the best director Japan has produced in 20 years
He doesn't sound like a true nipfag. He should be telling you about other people first if this is his introduction.
You'd be better off watching some stuff from Glenn Vilppu if you are just beginning to be honest.

>Listening to random dudes with no credit to their name is how you end up following bad advice
What user said right there is what Miyazaki got from Yasuo Otsuka

sorry i prefer reading actual literature like Self-Reference Engine

>practice A LOT, like 8 hours a day
What the fuck. Would make me want to kill myself if I had to do that much, would suck the fun out of the entire thing.


Then you just aren't good enough to make it in animation, kid.

Yeah I’ll have a number 5 with a small chocolate shake. And make sure you guys remember to put the pickles on the burger this time