Is this a crap series or actually underrated?

People keep saying this is now a good series is that true?

Attached: Black_Clover,_volume_1.jpg (228x372, 148.14K)

The author doesnt have an original bone in his body so I guess not.

Stop reading entry level battle shounen.

It's shit. Fuck off shounentard

it's you average shonen with likeable characters and cool designs. It's consitently good and nothing more, but at the very least it never drops the ball like you'll never get a wano arc or a aot tier ending or anything like that. If you enjoy traditional shonens then you'll like bc.


It's too famous to be underrated.

It's like a comfort food. It's the most generic shonen you can imagine but at the same time it doesn't anything truly retarded and it's pretty well drawn.

>but at the very least it never drops the ball
It did with the god awful spade invasion

It's surprisingly enjoyable. I wouldn't call it good but it's fun. I never felt like it wasted my time the way stuff like Fairy Tale, Bleach, etc did. The fights are surprisingly tactical; it has a lot of team battles with interactions between powers, etc. It has pretty well handled long story arcs.

On the other hand, it's got low stakes, it keeps setting up an unwinnable situation then revealing a new solution, everyone gets midfight power ups, it's incredibly generic, and so on.

>poor man's fairy tail with naruto cast
nah, its complete trash

I enjoyed Fairy Tail much more than I enjoyed BC. FT had a much more colorful cast, far better character interactions, a good use of the side cast, better worldbuilding, etc.
Sure, BC has some fights with great tactics and teamwork, but they aren't the norm.

Kill yourself

Is it good? No.
Have I read it? Yes.
Did I enjoy it? Hell no.
Should you read it? Sure, make your own opinion on it.
>great tactics
Brother, the good guys always won. What tactics? The fighta have no weight to them. The cast was not a single time in danger.

It's nothing new or amazing but it's really fun. Asta is a pretty likable MC, one of the best in shonenshit, actually. Also, Yami is a one of the better senseis. It can be quite repetitive and formulaic though. All in all it's arguably the best new gen shonenshit.

Why did you read it if you didn't enjoy it?

>Brother, the good guys always won. What tactics? The fighta have no weight to them. The cast was not a single time in danger.
This doesn't change the fact that in some fights tactics are involved.

it's good but it's nothing spectacular. Like it's better than bleach or naruto but it's not peak shonen either. Just a confy above average shonen :)

It's the defintion of 6/10 series

>People keep saying this is now a good series is that true?
what people??? you can cound on one hand the people that read this mediocre work


It's fine, I don't know what you're expecting from a battle shounen

It was always good. Most of the people saying its bad don't understand art.

I enjoyed it a lot up until the ending of the elf-arc which actually felt like a logical conclusion point for the series, even if it still had a lot of unanswered questions left and the characters' ambitions were not yet realised. Lost some steam immediately after that, I might look into it again when it's done.

Out of all the shonens, this is the most generic, power of friendship shit out there