>Pic related is now your mom
How fucked are you?
>Pic related is now your mom
How fucked are you?
A lot
Mom in the biological way or in the role-play way? There's a distinction.
Yoru is best wife
>How fucked are you?
can yoru cook
Denji sounds like a pretty shitty mom.
>jibber garbage already itt
Thread ruined
Remember that one user that said when part 2 finally comes out ChainsawChads would rule Any Forums?
How can you be such a schizo LOL
>taking diaper seriously
>twitch nu-speak
Go back
>knowing where it comes from
go back
But then shitsa and jobru happened
Please look up the definitions of words you dont know the meaning to retard
seethe faggot
Asa is the worst character of part 2
>shitsanig is an ESL
Kek, are you a nigger?
Are you retarded?