Yomi no Tsugai Chapter 9

One-Punch Woman Edition

Chapter 9 of Yomi no Tsugai is finally out! The official translation sites are fucked so scanlations took extra time this month. Dumping

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Also, for any newcomers to YnT thread, ask questions and Ill answer as best I can right now. I want more interest in this manga and these threads only come once a month right now.

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Fucking retard.

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Lol I look forward to seeing you guys every month, without fail, complaining about editions

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Forgot to give you your (you)

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Cool panel and still only my 2nd favorite this chapter

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>not wanting the thread to get deleted is a bad thing

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Please explain the rule in question that "Editions" violate

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Btw bottom panel of this page is my 3rd favorite this chapter

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THIS one is my favorite

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This page makes me wonder if all Tsugai revert to dolls or other inanimate objects upon death, and where they come from in the first place

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