Is Pepperoni actually best girl? Only Kay and Saori can compete with her in my mind
Girls Und Panzer
Kay is the indisputably best girl.
is this the gup thread? there are too many gup threads out there
gup threads are always chaotic and plentiful i find
This is what I got the last time I sorted them all.
When I allowed ties I ended up with like a nine way tie for first though
How can anyone look at this girl and not want to punch her in the face?
Nicenice Keep up the autism
Is sorter still alive?
Best girl? That would be Rosehip, of course.
EHH, 62ND!? And you put Andou HOW high up? You Examination students need to be taught a lesson!
Anyone who doesn't have silver or white hair is generally good enough
Yukari a shit!
i havent read the manga or seen the multipart movies yet since im waiting for all them to come out so i can only join non-TV anime girls based on how they make my dick feel
Who does that remind us of?
She's close to best girl I'll give you that.
Duce smells like parmesan cheese packets.
>eehh, me? best girl? but I'm just the dull main character, is it really okay?!
there's nothing dull about her big fat ass though
Interesting #1. What do you like about her so much?
For me, it's Finland. The greatest nation on earth and MVP of GUP
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