Dark Magician Girl should have gotten her own spin-off manga/anime series set in the spirits world.
Dark Magician Girl should have gotten her own spin-off manga/anime series set in the spirits world
You know you don't actually want it, you just want a hentai with her.
This. I wish to engage in coitus with DMG.
It should be yuri!
i remember when i first saw her as a kid like 7 or 8 and i was like:
what if anime girls?
I love yuri and literally kill yourself.
imagine all the doujins if she actually had a spinoff franchise dedicated to her
She has a silly hat and a stupid name. I can't fap to her
Does she even speak at all. Isn't she mute?
You're gay.
Tell me you're a faggot without telling me you're a faggot.
For me, it's Akiza.
She has lots of dominant femdom energy.
kill yourself dubshitter
>Chazz Princenton
Alexis Rhodes
>dubshitting subhuman noises
I want to choke her!
I call Anzu Tea and Asuka Alexis but I call Aki Aki.
She does, but only a few filler episodes
Only if it feautures every single monster girl