Whats your type of romance anime?

Whats your type of romance anime?

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where the mc is a chad and has sex

I may not read enough romcoms but Soredemo Ayumu wa Yosetekuru appeals to the way I perceive love and romance. I may revisit to Katsura’s I’’s and Video Girl Ai.

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Both of those were written by women though, the left being written, animated and directed by women based on a woman's work

I agree with the message but switcA Silent Voice with Your name.

Ones where all the characters are girls

Can we have a rom-com thread without bait picrel?

That's romance for Japs vs. romance for westerners

this pic appeals to the way I perceive skirts

I dont really disagree with this. A silent voice has some underlying romance tones in it but the main driving factors of the plot isnt the romance aspect. At most it serves as a minor side note to the main point of the plot.

>perfect girl can't speak

Ones with no bullshit.

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I prefer stories with an obvious OTP and without a harem.

Tatami Galaxy

But it's two romances for women here

No wonder it's shit

Romance anime where most popular girl in the school fell in love with some otaku-creep who never ever talked to a girls in his life and noone even notices his presense of course! Bonus points for MC being absolutely insufferable faggot

Where beautiful girls fall in love with oji-san's big dick, it's a peak romance

trap yourself in a clothes dryer filled with razor blades on the longest cycle

Girls find most males utterly grotesque except for extroverted chads, we already know that.
Anime shows us an idealized world and idealized relationships, that's precisely one of its selling points.

>mfw no anime where Stacy ThunderTits selects a nerd and grooms him into a being a successful and confident husband for her

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you will never be a woman

That would be Nagatoro if she wasn't the only flat girl in her series.

They only have jobs and success in the industry because of men. Cope.