I hate him so much, he's so mean and forceful

>I hate him so much, he's so mean and forceful
>Yet, whenever he touches me my body just turns so hot
What's Any Forums's opinion on this oddly common trope?

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Women are mentally ill.

I'll tell you what I think of this oddly common thread. FUCK OFF!

shit fantasy is shit

Kill yourself, spammer.

It's hot. It's similar to tsunderes where they can't control themselves from wanting it despite not on the surface.


It's hot.

I love these threads. Keep going OP!

>His face is so close
>My heart is beating so fast
>Is he... going to kiss me?
What's Any Forums's opinion on this oddly common trope?

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dude just say you want to talk about shoujo manga. i'm getting tired of your bait OPs

Go away, these OPs are great and I love reading them.


I know, they're so gaudy and annoying.
Yet, every time you think about them, your heart just...
What are you even thinking? It's almost like you actually like them.

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Typical passive women's fantasy, in my opinion.


I love both. It makes my heart beat just reading it.

Best recurring thread

Attached: Rin kiss.jpg (800x600, 131.46K)

So much this

>user will die if he stops reading shoujo manga

It's a drug.
I know these plots are garbage and that all these cheap drama conflicts would instantly be resolved with only a little communication. I know it romanticizes rape and abuse, but I can't stop reading. It's so addictive.