What do you wanna talk about?

What do you wanna talk about?

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my cock going inside your warm, wet mouth

I don't know I don't really talk to girls.

D-did shuichi ask you out?

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"nothing, let's just make love right here, right now"

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You should tie your hair back more.

I think Diabolik Lovers is unfairly criticized.

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You're a fucking two faced bitch that's why no one likes you. Stop sticking your nose into everyone else's business.

Do you think KyoAni will ever be able to fully recover and return to their peak?

If they swear off Yaoipandering

I want to talk about how Any Forums in 2022 is the most boring it’s ever been. We have almost no OC, the currently airing threads are bad, discussion in the storytimes are barren, out of upcoming anime (aside from P&S and very few others) there has been no interest in the threads, and we have 4 months left until the year is over.

>We have almost no OC
Be the change you want to be.

Why are you assuming I haven’t contributed?

Balance of probabilities

That’s because this board is no longer a community. The people here aren’t even united in a common interest, such as shitting on tripfags. Instead, they shit on each other’s threads. This place sucks and while it’s better than other places, it’s still unimaginably bad compared to prior years.

the pandemic really hit us harder than the 2016 elections.

give an example of her being two faced

Attached: 4ad2effd72a2bc738690d97b6e304ab8--kumiko-oumae-anime-poses.jpg (540x540, 41.22K)

Something something, misrepresented herself to the audience as a lesbian?

blame the animation studio


fucking dis