Why does chainsaw man still have such little hype for the manga...

Why does chainsaw man still have such little hype for the manga? Denji was introduced in the coolest way possible in part 2 yet nobody cares. Why is shit like bleach more active here than CSM?

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Because CSM is for retarded faggots and alt girls. It's just cringe and weird.

Kill yourself, Diaperfag.

>Why is shit like bleach more active here than CSM?
Bleach = Soul
CSM = Soulless
Also the girls are cuter and more sexy

Diaper kills all the interest, bunch of posters left because the fanbase is shit.

This might just be me, but Part I felt pretty conclusive from a narrative standpoint. I was actually surprised when I heard there was gonna be a Part II because I couldn’t really see where the story would go. I also imagine the hard perspective shift to a whole new MC for these first few chapters was a bit jarring/a turn off.
also I know Denji isn’t supposed to be some paragon of virtues and that this is probably just an issue I had, but Denji saving the cat over the people felt edgy for edginess sake. The dialogue was Deadpool tier

there were a few threads up when it happened idk, lets keep the discussion multifaceted... mkay?

diaper schizoposting and consolewarfagging so hard, no one wants to watch and support csm anymore lmao

Why does every Shonen thread have some named antagonist who’s allegedly subverting the quality of the threads? First Jeremy in the Black Clover and My Hero threads, now Diaperfag in the CSM threads? When did shonen become the genre for schizos??


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Its literally just a bunch of boogeymen to cope. Im OP and i was just pointing out the state of the fanbase and was immediately called diaperfag. Cant make any CSM thread without being called diaperfag. No wonder this fanbase is trash now

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t. Diaperboy

Kill yourself, Diaperfag.

Dude CSM threads have been worse than fucking SnK threads these past few months, you can't be serious. It's gotten so bad that I genuinely believe that there are no mods or jannies on this board and they only show up from others when it straight up porn or something.

>we need to spam csm all over again and again even we don't have new content to discuss
Hey underagefaggot, you are part of this trash fanbase too tbqh.

Jannies will also swoop in if you’re mean to ESLposters.

The CSM threads haven’t seemed that bad. No worse than any other shonen thread. Certainly not as bad as SnK. But idk, I’m only ever in once or twice a week.

>No worse than any other shonen thread.
I didn't know that DBZ and One Piece threads were filled with "duhh what killed the hype??" posts and more homosexual fanfiction than actual discussion.

>Why is shit like bleach more active here than CSM?
bleach has more chapters, also bleach is bigger than csm -> more fans

“What killed the hype” and fujoposting is a pretty light sentence. Especially when you consider the state of One Piece threads. Fuck I don’t even think DBZ get regular threads anymore. At least not before the most recent movie.

Not enough meat in the story so far and Fujimoto goes for weird SnK-style timeskip instead of proper sequel, also bi weekly schedule and atrocious fanbase.

>The CSM threads haven’t seem that bad
Go take a look for yourself. A quick 2 minute scan was more than enough for me.