WIT Studio could potentially be adapting the anime for DanDaDan. They recently followed the author on Twitter. Thoughts?

WIT Studio could potentially be adapting the anime for DanDaDan. They recently followed the author on Twitter. Thoughts?

Attached: dandadan.jpg (3264x2139, 1004.52K)

Good shit. They could do DDD’s action scenes justice and give it a good adaptation. Seems like they’re monopolizing Jump Plus properties. First was SxF and if this is true, then DDD.

I do not hope so, would be massive waste

I follow the author on Twitter too but I'm not adapting it.

Are you an anime studio?

High chance since they're part of the new production team JOEN formed by Shueisha and Aniplex

Literally who?

Makes sense. Dandadan is published by Shueisha so it has a good chance of getting the WIT treatment, also since it’s a high selling manga without an anime.

I hope so

>First season by WIT
>Gets taken by CRAPPA for all the future seasons

manga for zoomers

No way in hell they aren't going to get good stuff for this adaptation, why bother otherwise?

what are you even talking about you schizo


Read DANDADAN. It has hot chicks.

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I’m only in it for Jiji, Okachad and Turbo Granny. Hags and HS skanks don’t interest me.

I don't like their designs...

i dont find them hot though

which anime has wit studios done? i thought bones would be a better fit to adapt ddd.

>which anime has wit studios done?

Recently? SPYxFAMILY

WIT has done
>Attack on Titan
>Vinland Saga
>Ranking of Kings
>Great Pretender
Bones was my first pick in mind but WIT is fine as well.

Attached: FatVkR1aIAAlmNm.jpg (2047x1521, 611.9K)

Forgot to add just this Spring 2022:
>Spy x Family (Collab with Cloverworks)

i do like the animation for spy x family. i need to rewatch vinland saga to see how it looks. i thought aot was adapted by mappa?

AOT S1-3 was adapted by WIT. AOT S4 has been and still is being adapted by MAPPA.

I read the first chapter and it tries way too hard to be wacky and random

spy x family has pretty unmemorable animation with lots of CG and lackluster sakuga

Woah a whole 0.5 confirmed anime what a monopoly

I bet they're like, "holy shit, one of these guys actually produces 19 pages a week rain or shine like it's 1986"