Will there ever be another big 3, that will change the landscape of anime, ever again?

Will there ever be another big 3, that will change the landscape of anime, ever again?

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Kill yourself, narutard.

i just hope the next big 3 give us new great and hot waifus

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Don't even know who the third one is, should probably be Naruto, One Piece, and Dragon Ball instead.

I'd argue Demon Slayer, Attack on Titan, and Hero Macademia are the current big 3.
Consideirng AoT is done maybe Chainsaw Man will replace it, or it'll completely bomb everywhere but Japan.

I've never read wan piss.
I've never read naruto.
I've never read bleach.

3 shows anyone who enjoys anime will never watch.
>Come on user just watch 1000 episodes with us
>just wait till episode 547 that's when it gets really good!

One Piece pre-timeskip is one of the best adventure manga ever written. Post timeskip is so different and awful I think Oda died and was replaced with someone.
Naruto was actually really good when they were children but was total shit when they became adults
Bleach is literally only good for like the first 170 chapters.

JJK is the number one manga in the world right now. The new big three are JJK, BHA, and maybe Demon Slayer on a technicality since it's finished but is still one of the biggest of the last 5 years

Demon Slayer
One Punch Man

>One Punch Man

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The third one is better than the first and Dragon Ball.

Kimetsu is the only modern shonen that's had cultural impact. It ended 2 years ago and is still massive in Nipland and the West

If it's good why has no one ever heard of it?

They have, kill yourself.

kek no it's fucking not. Even at its very peak (Soul Society) Bleach wasn't better than even Land of Waves, let alone Chunin Exams and Sasuke Retrieval.

These three didn't change jackshit. Dragon Ball inspired dozens. So did HxH. CSM feels fresh and is a landmark for other mangakas that'll try to do the same sort of short original and action packed stories. KnY is literally the "perfect" shonen because it doesn't overstayed its welcome, it's action packed with some mysteries and overall enjoyable. Naruto was good before Shippuden. Bleach was never good and One Piece has been pure trash for ... 12 years or so.

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The only thing Hiatus x Hiatus inspired was NEETs