Has anything fundamentally changed by the death of HorribleSubs?

Has anything fundamentally changed by the death of HorribleSubs?
I feel like absolutely nothing happened except my torrents have a different named tag now.

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We had one or two threads where they tried to falseflag like it was a big deal it might have taken some people a day to realize it was dead but that was about it

Even then the swap happened so quickly. It was scary.
When it happened there was no announcement and people were panicked for a second, but the next day we were all already using the new rippers and nothing had changed.

yeah, we got a better group

literally nothing changed user

although this has been happening before their death, i still hate how most 1080 web rips are now over a gig

now every group just rips CR

Just like HorribleSubs then.

they weren't the only group to begin with, erai has been around for a while too, everyone just moved there, but their schedule was always off
then SP showed up a week later and they were a improvement from HS and erai

Are there any groups still doing old style fansubbing? At this point I don't think there's any show that isn't simulcasted.

>sdd subhuman
Buy a hdd retard

They should sub anime to be MORE offensive, instead of censoring it and making it less offensive, they should add slurs and sexism and stuff

Megaton Musashi was fansubbed, since it never got licensed.
I'd imagine that the second season this fall will be the same.

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>At this point I don't think there's any show that isn't simulcasted.
This year alone you're looking at Ninjala, On Air Dekinai, Garugaku 2, Eien no 831, SBR the Final, BRS Dawn Fall, Summertime Render, Yoru wa Neko to Issho, Yojohan Time Machine Blues, Bleach, and maybe more. There were less before Funimation was effectively discontinued but you still had a few here and there like Megaton and Fireball and that one magical girl one that I forget the name of.

>making things up and getting mad
there is no reason for a 1080p web or tv rip to be over a gig.

There is no reason for you to not have a large HDD for archival. You can get enough storage host rips of entire giant content sites like e-hentai for a few hundred dollars now. Storage is so cheap, it's not unfeasible to archive every anime ever made. Vidya archivists are even crazier. I'm not as autistic as some people, and I personally have 15tb of fullsets of roms and isos. You can archive literally everything for the price of a hard drive that would hold like 20 shows a decade ago. If you fail to archive things you have no right to complain about things having no seeders.

I still believe they knew about the Snoy buy out well in advance of the rest of the world.

>all this deflection

They dropped the ball hard on that, what the hell happened after the transition from HS? They did release on time initially and then just fell behind and then SP came along and I never looked back to erai unless they released theirs first before SP. Also I don't understand why they care so much about multi language subs.

a good chunk of the downloaders are from non english speakers.

I'm not the guy you were previously arguing with and I don't care if you believe me or not. Go buy a $40 Western Digital external or learn how to reencode stuff yourself. If I could do both of those things when the hard drive was $200, and the encode took 2 hours, you can do them when the hard drive costs $40 and the encode takes 5 minutes. I am not calling you a retard like the other guy, this is honest advice not trolling, and it will make you have a better experience as an anime viewer. Feel free to ignore me though.

They claim they died from "covid causing server costs to become unsustainable" or some bullshit like that, but it's pretty fucking obvious that the real reason they went down is because of Yui losing the 8manbowl.

Most of the bigger subbers are still active or at least hibernating with the websites still up. But manually fansubbing an episode seems to take a week with speedsubs taking a day or two. Simulcasts take hours

A reason as good as any.

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Some of them make really weird localization choices too. I switched off of traditional fansubs for Kunoichi Tsubaki, because whoever was doing them kept translating onee-chan to "sistie". I'm going to assume translating onee-chan to a portmanteau of sis and bestie was supposed to troll me, because I can't think of a single other logical reason to translate that way.