Is everyone a gay rapist/pedophile in this manga?

Attached: Firepunch12.jpg (252x396, 140.83K)

westoid amerishart trash

Speak English.

Just like in real life.

Western american trash.

Yes, it's the perfect portrayal of the west.

Yep every character is an accurate representation of a kike producer from jewlywood.

Everyone in this is white though.

Togata is not a white name.

kys tourist

I'm 18

the writer is a leftist and leftists believe the only reason capitalism still exists after the cold war is that man is evil. It's the coping mechanism of all failed idealists

>the writer is a leftist

I just finished this manga and honestly it was kind of retarded but sweet.

His work.

The incest in chapter 1 already made me think that the manga would be trash, but when the nice guy randomly ordered the kids to get fucked by his dogs I understood that it was edgelord shit.

so basically your ass. Cool.

you guys are sheltered, probably underage, and have never read any real literature.

>projection: the post

>you haven't read any "real literature"
you have to be 18 or older to post here

What? Nothing gay ever happened in this? The pedophile that wanted to watch his dogs fuck young girls was appaled when he realized one of them is a retarded boy.

That man was the most based character by far