What’s good anime to watch if I enjoyed Evangelion

What’s good anime to watch if I enjoyed Evangelion.

I’m not really a otaku, I’ve only really watched evangelion and FMA. I enjoyed both and I’m wondering if there’s any other ones which touch a bit on philosophy and stuff. Thanks.

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Boku no Pico

Mobile suit gundam

Code Geass
Stay away from Madoka. It's terrible.

iczer 1

Is this bait?

Imagine a person that only watched western casual stuff suddenly touching some random anime
It's how you get people like OP
And it's your job to give him better stuff to see so you multiply

Akira, Memories, Spriggan (1998)

It's your job to report the thread and ask the OP to fuck off and lurk more. Recommendation requests belong on /wsr/

Muteking the Dancing hero

>spoon-feeding Evatrannies
It IS bait then

Why tho, theres so much anime you could spend years sifting through shit. Why not share your favorite, obscure shows they might never find otherwise? The only reason someone would be averse to this mindset is that they haven't seen anything obscure.

I’ve heard good things about code geass, might watch that next. Thanks.

Op here, yeah I only read books usually, my friends are the ones who convinced me to watch anime.

I’ve also heard akira is good I’ll keep that one in mind thanks.

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Better Call Saul, it has all the same themes

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Because I don't want clueless normalfags making the same thread over and over again. They shouldn't post until they have seen over 200 shows.

Yeah, man, no one cares and you sound retarded
"200 shows"
imagine counting how many anime you've seen like a legitimate autist

>Kid named finger
Sorry, I assumed this was good place to ask.

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>imagine counting how many anime you've seen like a legitimate autist
Where do you think you are?

>taking a bait thread seriously

curious that the tr/a/nny mob LIVID about the heckin recommendation thread hasn't shown up yet