Genocide Piece

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chapter ends with "inherited will never fades", but who is going to inherit orochi's will?

Shouldn't hiyori be disowned by the royal family for being a whore

I love the twitter and reddit fags all seething because this goes against the principles of what fishman island was trying to preach.

I wonder how many of the dirty old men in the crowd have fucked the princess of Wano.

The context is pretty different.

Although it does feel like that one comic about the villain being lonely and turning evil because of that, and the initial problem never being adressed.

Why did Oda make 80% of the chapter be flashbacks about characters we don't care about? Why did he have Yamato go "lol nevermind" after 150 chapters of blatantly telegraphing that she was going to join the crew?
The answer is rule one of One Piece: The most retarded thing is what happens.

Don't forget that Japan was just degenerate in the past and people fucking before marriage was normal.
Don't forget about night crawling or samurai retainers

Orochi's will was just turning Wano into a complete shithole, which was already inherited by The Kaidou when he usurped him as the shogun during the big party.

>Orochi tells Kanjuro to create his final masterpiece, a work of art that embodies the undying, burning hatred of the Kurozumi clan
>Said fire spirit painting burns Orochi to death
>Orochi was incinerated from his own grudge and hatred

and thus a new extermination begins

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This ending kind of saves wano for me. That is brutal as fuck.

To be fair, Orochi almost destroyed Wano under his 20 year rule. They're just making sure it never happens again.

It was just a gigantic scam. That's the whole point of denjiro's character being a scammer. She's still a virgin.

>I cant understand where this parallel is coming from
What did they make oden do again?

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Can someone remind me what the original reason/event for the Kurozumi clan's fall from grace was?

They betrayed a daimyo for literally no reason in order to do literally nothing.

Look, I'm not watching this fucking show until it ends so at least I can be done with it in one go.
>uhh it won't end
good, I won't ever have to watch this lol

Their clan head wanted to become shogun so he killed a daimyo here and there. Plan falls apart when a successor to the shogun is born. His treachery is revealed and is executed. The kurozumi clan in turn anpre hunted down and wiped out even if they had nothing to do with it


Thanks. The latter part, with the clan being hunted down wholesale is what makes that "born to burn" ending scene somewhat ominous. While the Kurozumi survivors did all turn into assholes, with Orochi at the forefront, the stage play rendition in the most recent chapter does have the stench of "history is written by the winners", with the whole clan name getting demonized.
I'm not quite sure if the ending is supposed to be wholesale happy, and the misgivings I have are just me or my cultural background, or if Oda does indeed want readers to go and ask "hey, is anyone in the story at least somewhat interested in how the whole shitshow actually came to be? This doesn't feel right". The ending just gives me mixed signals, with the rakugo guy telling an embellished version of the story to cheering masses, especially when the same guy also turned up at the school to tell the new sanctioned version of history to the kids.