Tekken: Bloodline

Netflix actually made a good Tekken animeā€¦

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So does Paul beat Orge?

>Literally no Yoshimitsu, he's just mentioned because he loses offscreen
fuck you Netflix

So does Jin beat his grandpa?

Yes. Also King as the rightful best opponent

No. He gets a few hits on True Ogre, though, and they mention a couple of times that he came close to beating Kazuya in the past.

it's alright, anime CGI is coming real close to being good, but the shading and backgrounds and stuff are still kinda whack.
Also I feel like they could have made the fights better because it was cgi and still kind of made them with a lot of the same pitfalls as 2d anime fights, the fights were lackluster.

>Kazuya would have lost to Paul without devil hax
>King beats Paul
>Jin beats Paul, King, Heihachi and Ogre back to back
How can Kazuya compete?

Devil Kazuya can shoot lazerz from his eyes.

cute Gene

It's even worse than the Tekken OVA
Also like that, it's non canon as fuck, too many inconsistancies

Too bad I don't care for the Mishima plot, especially now that Heihachi is dead

Why do they all have that weird triangle lighting on their heads?

The reason why It's because it suffers from the same problems the OVA and Blood Vengeace has, the too much focus on the Mishima story
I get it it's the driving point of everything, but i believe a good Tekken adaptation would be dedicating episodes to each main character to introduce and set them with their motivations

>Jin's handheld game in the first episode uses voices and sound effects from Tekken 2, including Jun's voice
>after Jun's cry of defeat is heard, Ogre attacks

Nina got XIAOYUED.

hi actual tekken player here. This show sucks ass

netflix don't make anime they just buy streaming rights

Is there ryona?

They don't have an in-house studio obviously but they are directly funding a few series like Kengan to be made.

>big thing of 3 is that it takes place at the end in an aztec temple
>none of that in netflix

what the actual fuck this can't be true
yoshi could've saved this shitshow
not even a surprise. namco never wants to learn from their mistakes, even after the second time.

It's true, he loses to Anna offscreen
Yoshi in the third tournament needs to save Bosconovitch and meets Bryan in the process but none of that happens here and Bryan is not even there

Xiaoyu gets roughed up by King at the beginning of the fifth episode.