What is the best approach regarding manga or anime translation? Direct with notes or localization?

What is the best approach regarding manga or anime translation? Direct with notes or localization?

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There is no such thing as "localization." There is and only ever will be translation. Anything else is smoke and mirrors to justify a lack of skill in the language, or simply making shit up.

English food is fine as long as it's not cooked by bongs in bongland.

Why would anime need a different type of translation than other works? Not to mention localization is not even translation but a rewrite.

>Direct with notes
see: official sayonara zetsubou sensei release
this is clearly the way to go

Direct with notes.

languages don't translate one-to-one and there's room for interpretation. Ideally every show would have a few different translations with varying degrees of localization. I personally prefer direct with notes, keeping words that don't translate well into japanese. But I'd rather they just rewrite dialogue completely than translate "onee-chan" to "sissy"

Translate every name like 4Kids would

Fuck off, tripfag.

End of volume glossary tl notes for manga/novels
Multiple sub tracks for Anime(with/without notes)

if you're going to ruin it, at least make it into something new. i don't get why the old 4kids stuff got so much hate.

No. newshit.

>English food is fine as long as it's not cooked by bongs in bongland.
No it's not. It's weither tasteless or tastes so bad it has to have been made by someone tasteless.

The closest to OK food they have is the pub food.

Which is why you usually have a not explaining when there is a difference. And why you can't localize something, you are taking away the cultural context at best, at worst it is something completely different.

>pub food
pub food is literally just generic British food, thats the idea.

Localization is not translation, it is fanfiction.

Name one food.

Wtf I love localization now??

Don't care as long as the intended meaning is conveyed

Is there any situation where we would see the return of fansubs?
The only way we'll ever see direct with TL notes again.

Japanse literally can't be translated into English, everything you watched/read has been localized