Bring me a real pirate anime

> Bring me a real pirate anime
> One Piss? You mean island-hopping DB Super? Hell no
> I said, a REAL pirate anime.

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I was very fond of this book as a lad.

This show was pretty good. The OP for it was great.

Oh hey it's even got subs looks like.

Captain Silver would be disappointed in you using him for a throwaway shitpost thread like this. Shame on you.

I love that old school design, you know, 70s daddies with square jaws. Now its all pointy chins, this movie is an exception.

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bros... fuck.... i hate older anime, because sometimes the animation is so blurry... why is it blurring so much...

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just finished.... fucking kino

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Because turns out film stock doesn't store well in leaky basements for forty years

no, it was because there was liquid in my eyes blurring the image

so silver was jim's dad right?

I only remember from the book but no.


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Ayy, I just finished this a week or two ago, 'twas fun.
I already knew most of what would happen though because I saw Treasure Planet and Muppet Treasure Island when I was very young.

Wait wtf I also finished this just last week.

Shiver my timber shiver my soul

"Pirates" weren't real so there isn't "real" pirate anime


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Knew this Chad would be posted in a Treasure Island thread. Also a good adaptation. I like that every fight in the Soviet version they just do some random cartoony stuff and nobody seriously fights

Sorry baby boomers, I only watch modern Pirates anime

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for me it's Treasure Planet (1982)

seriously though, S2 when?

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Disney you hacks.