What is the best anime aimed at Adults and why is it Dragon Ball Z?

What is the best anime aimed at Adults and why is it Dragon Ball Z?

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DBZ is a work of art, it's like if Walt Disney himself made a battle shonen.

not adults
and only up until the end of Frieza saga it's an excellent series. It goes downhill afterwards. Buu saga is dogshit garbage

It is an Anime aimed at adults

It's violent as hell

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>Buu saga is dogshit garbage
If you hate the buu saga, you don't really "get" dragon ball

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I honestly liked this more than the Movie

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DBZ is awesome, but Pokemon is just as fantastic

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My favorite is Zatch Bell

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Fuck off, Hamtaro is really where it's at

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The Original was better

Dragon Ball Z is scripture. If you haven't read it, you're a pagan. And if you don't like it or at least get it, you're not human.

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This doesn't look like an Anime aimed at Adults. It looks too cute

Is this some sort of Happy Tree Friends thing?

That's an anime amid at adults an DBZ is just yet another shounen shit

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DBZ isn't aimed at Kids though

It's aired on Adult Swim in the past

Okay. Explain.

SAC was pretty dope

Rewatched it last year and man having watched it as a teenager was pretty cool but how deep it actually gets is something that you understand with life experience.

The idealism and the hate of it because it reminds one too much of oneself and so on.
Add a killer ost to it.

Proof that you don't need 300 Episodes to be a good Anime. Sometimes a 6 Episode Anime is all you need to be fucking amazing

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Buu Saga is a subversion of the rest of the series, it's the funniest arc, it's parodying itself at a lot of points, and it's really well animated, Majin Vegeta vs Goku, Trunks vs Goten, Gotenks vs Buu, Gohan vs Buu, and more, it's got some of the best animation in the series. Not to mention thematic diversity that's unique to the Buu arc, Gohan in highschool, Mr Satan and Buu living together, all the random silly stuff Buu does, it's very weird and random.
>pic related is gokus face when his whole family dies

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Extremely unconvincing lol

This is the best Anime ever made and nobody can deny this fact

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>aimed at adults
>Dragon Ball Z
user, this as for kids in Japan, and still is.

Dragon Ball should have ended at Cell.

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I actually don't care about your shit opinon so...

Best series ever FUCK the buu arc though.