This is so fucking sappy, pedestrian and predictable. Cool premise but fuck I'm getting bored...

This is so fucking sappy, pedestrian and predictable. Cool premise but fuck I'm getting bored. I guess because Daniel is a pure good boy soul who can do no wrong. Does it gets better, there's 400 chapters.
At least it stopped being a less funny Angel Densetsu, though that was kinda better

Attached: Lookism - Ep. 28 Ch. 28 - 5.jpg (700x876, 99.08K)

It's not anime and it's not manga. Why do you think it belongs on Any Forums?

Read How to fight

Same author
Same Kino
Will End soon
KYS Moetard

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Idk, stopped reading after the pink dude confessed he was the fake identity of Daniel's body (this is really hard to put into words)
It just got frustating after Zack and Vasco became completly usseles

This turned into endless wanking with superhumans from gangs, literally nothing about "lookism"

Oh hi Mario. Why haven't you killed yourself yet?

do it you

Okay, tell me where to find you and I'll come kill you.

fuck off
this is so fucking rude, i wish you will think about what you said today

And I wish you would jump in front of a speeding train, you gookshit spamming piece of human garbage.

you are a scam
worst poster on this board

You are a retard that can't understand the difference between "Anime & Manga" and "Shitty Gooktrash". I don't understand how your mother hasn't disowned you yet.

Webtoon are fun and masterpice

Anime and Manga are the same shit over and over again

If you hate anime and manga, why are you on an anime and manga board? I'm sure you could find some subreddit to endlessly discuss your godawful gooktrash with.

i love real anime and manga not the modern garbage.

And yet the only thing you post is shitty gook webcomics, which are not anime and are also not manga.

webtoon preserve the good old golden age soul of manga

Gookshit will never be manga, no matter how much you REEEE over it.

Attached: manga definition.jpg (632x688, 66.92K)

Your fanfiction

Stop using words you don't understand and learn English if you're going to keep using an English board.


>trusting Mario
That's your first mistake.
>reading gookshit
That's your second.

Naturally dude
Lookism is a must read but not a must keep reading.

How to fight is lookism but with plot