The french-tipped nails in episode 9 of The Great Passage were among the best I've ever seen in anime

The french-tipped nails in episode 9 of The Great Passage were among the best I've ever seen in anime.

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That’s quite a gay observation. Quite gay indeed.

does nailtranny making constant threads and posts about nails count as avatar/signature use? or is it just off topic because this shit belongs in /d/

Why is this pissing you off so much?

Any Forums is not Any Forums

Get the fuck out of here yoshikage kira

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They're called french nails because they become white just like the french flag.

>Watching dictionary autist anime for the girl characters.
You're doing it wrong.

This show was great.


>tfw you learn you are having fun the wrong way

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On what?

What do you see in nails?


The mom that walked out on him.

They're a sign of beauty.

What show?

Let him do his thing man. At least he's not another shonenbabby

The look beautiful wrapped around my dick.