Contrasting Twins

Do you like twins with wildly contrasting personalities?
What is your favorite example of this trope?

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As long as it's twins femMC, I'm fine.

What did he mean by this

twins are neat, I'm not fussy if their personalities contrast or not

Yes I do

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Mion and shion.... I guess???

I always liked these 2

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this pair were pretty good

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they're pretty cute.
They're from Spriggan, right? Are they significant characters, or are they only in one scene?

that doesnt look like Spriggan at all, user.

These 2 contrast quite a bit, especially given that one has a literal set of balls and the other has a figurative pair

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no? Fuck, trace-moe let me down

>tsundure twin with small tits
>kuudere twin with bigger tits

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>tfw they showed the mom/aunt’s boobs but no sex scene

Do clones count?

What if they finish each other’s sentences?

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Kyou and Ryou.

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I remember that VN which the villain kills the twins and deprives us of a twin threesome scene. It made me so angry that I wish we could torture the villain way worse.

Which one? Cartagra?

>forgetting the third sister

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Needs more pic

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I like it when their minds meld together during threesomes.

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Should have had a haram end.

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