Why is he so utterly and completely incapable of creating compelling characters?

Why is he so utterly and completely incapable of creating compelling characters?

The seemingly endless supply of soul that is Hisaishi, the wonderful art and (sometimes) interesting concepts cover his ass in that regard so the movies aren't dogshit but there always feels like there's something missing from them.

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Because otaku cannot create interesting characters.

i disagree

He needs to learn from the master

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And what are you up to lately?

Not possible when you're so far up your ass and you feel the uncontrollable urge to moralize everything at every turn.
You need to have at least some capacity to understand things from another human's perspective, think of behaviors in non-absolutist terms.

He should've written more manga.

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The Nausicaa manga is awful, when you compare it to the film.

>reading manga in english
wow this is supremely aids, thank god i never have to do this

Hard disagree.

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Women are interesting
Female characters are interesting
Touch grass chuddie

What a lack of grass touching does to a nigga

You did not understand any of Miyazaki's films, if "nature is wonderful" is what you got from them.

You're 100% right that nature is awful, and I hate nature worshippers. This is coming from someone who gives consideration to animals.

Quick totally not reductive analysis of a couple of Anno protagonists
An unapologetic Oka Hiromi ripoff who speedruns through her character development
A generic harem protagonist. Annotards deny this even though it's obviously intentional.
An Anno self insert played by his director friend.
>Shin Evangelion
An Anno self insert again.
>Love & Pop
An empty person with no personality.

In summary this guy fucking sucks

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Thinking animals deserve consideration and thinking animals are innocent babies who do no wrong are different things. I acknowledge that animals are self-interested (humans may be as well).

Please enlighten me redditman. What about 3D w*men is interesting?

Nature should be preserved so that we may further exploit it you retard. If we kill all the tigers how will we get beautiful tiger furs? Grow up

You majored in women's studies for source on this post I presume?

>Dogs and cats will eat your dead body without blinking
So would you if there was no other food around

Yeah fuck off, that you are an empty soul that van uderstand a dreamCHAD MC is on your own. Of all the shit you can talk about Miyazaki's movies you choose the weakest one. Like his weak ass ends or the plot that doesn't go anywhere for most of th movie.

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I hate ESLs so much it's unreal

And you chose a character he didn't create