How is Nen a secret?

How is Nen a secret?
It's everywhere

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if you take for granted that the world is mostly like ours except where stated, then for every actual nen user there's like ten con artists pretending to have mystical powers who get way more public attention that tend to get debunked often enough that any reports, sightings, or even footage of nen users would be dismissed as "yeah that'll probably be debunked in a week" and forgotten about by all but diehard conspiracy nutjobs and those already in the know
>yeah man there's totally this secret society of super elite specialists that are above the law and have super powers that get hired by governments all around the world to do covert missions. just look at this 13 second shaky clip recorded on a phone from behind some bushes of this guy turning a gun into a snake. The truth is out there!!

In the sky tower or whatever tournament the announcer literally said in frint of numerous audience and on live broadcasting something like "oh, what a cool nen technique" while dude was casting magical twins and dismembering energy tigers

The same way Haki is a secret you oda-cocksucker

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the sky tower is epstein island tier VIP Invite only. you'd need to already be well connected and in the know to score a seat in the audience. its literally blood sport for the 1% of the 1%.

schizo faggot

THat's you.

How the fuck Kalluto knows nen but not the fat brother?

it's called bad writing

Because the writing fucking sucks. It's a shonen just turn your brain off while reading it

It's poorly written in many ways but regardless huntards will defend ALL of it.

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You too

I can understand that the name and the function of nen is a secrecy, because the hunter association is the pseudo-illuminati of that world, but the notion of the existence of "magic", should be something public. Its true that the sky tower in the high levels is super VIP, but the lower level is totally public, anyone can enter and fight their way to success. So, is it's just matter of time that some of the fighters will see strange shit going on, that is is far from the superior feats that the humans and monsters in that world have. But, there is more, the hunter association even if is a close organization, its not secret, anyone can try to enter, in the internet you can get information about it (i remember a kid with a laptop that knew about the participant thanks to the internet), and you can hire hunters if you have enough money (Nostrade family hired a bunch even if it were a recent and weak mafia group), is like the Zetas hired a bunch of magical mercenaries, its impossible that they didnt care about investigating their magic abilities. But there still is more, Hisoka and Suchi werent hunters when they got their nen abilities, that means you can learn about nen even if you arent part of the hunter association, combined with the former, is only matter of time that rumors about magic abilities spread everywhere and even with proofs. Lastly, like you posted
>"if you take for granted that the world is mostly like ours except where state"
In our world, magic and similars have been proved as a lie time after time, but that dont stop the interest of the people about it, that topic is referenced everywhere (books, movies, comics, etc) and even some dudes can make money pretending to have magical abilities. In the hxh world, nen is real and can transform a a john doe into a billonaire in weeks, and is used in practically everything and everywhere, by the same logic, the hxh world should be full of stories about the existence of nen.

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it's just bad writing. that being said, york new arc was pure soul.

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>psychopaths like the spiders, Genthru, and Hisoka running around
>the average person would get murdered easily by a nen user; a professional assassin like Killua just ragdolls a nen scrub like Zushi
Man I wonder why people try really hard to keep nen a secret? Must be bad writing.

It's esoteric. In our world too it's the same shit but not called nen.

Dude, if any of this shit were real, half of the middle schoolers would figure it out in their chuuni phase.

fake take your meds


It's everywhere in the story because the story is about nen users, but these people are a very tiny minority of the population. They also (with some exceptions) keep the existence of nen a secret from non-users. Lastly global communication technology isn't anywhere near what it's like in the modern day, so information can't spread in the same way.

>Lastly global communication technology isn't anywhere near what it's like in the modern day, so information can't spread in the same way.
They have telephones, TV and even some low grade version of the internet. The fuck are you talking about?