How big was this? I discovered it naturally just by chance and really, really liked it

How big was this? I discovered it naturally just by chance and really, really liked it.

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would you like it less if it wasn't "big"

not very big

>seeking out negative interactions


It was INSANELY popular, bro.
You gonna hate it now or what?

is it getting another season? is the manga actually running?

WAIT ASECOND this was written by the ishuzoku reviewers guy?? damn

I'm just trying to give him some perspective

no, you're trying to accuse me of artificially liking/disliking things based on social factors, which i take offense to

Any Forums is one of the worst boards but not everone here represents that. ps i'm 40 not some high school kid with underdeveloped fucking ideas about liking things.

ie you're seeking out negative interactions, and this makes you feel bad as well as other people. could just go about your way rather than posting at all. :-)

The manga is in eternal hiatus and there's nothing left to adapt


how was this not more popular, fuck

The manga came out of hiatus thanks to the anime at least.

Well I'm glad I could offer you some perspective, faggot

Not very big. I enjoyed it as well. There's just not that much to discuss.

oh shit the plot thickens

how do i best support this? buy japanese tanks directly?

Some people considered AOTY back when was airing

Kill yourself

the manga is based on the webcomic and the webcomic has been on hiatus since only slightly after where the anime ends

so is it on hiatus or AIN'T IT

webcomic on hiatus
manga not on hiatus but the anime overtook it and its unknown if it'll go back on hiatus once it catches up or if it'll come up with its own ending or if the webcomic will start updating again before that

I feel more confused than when I made the thread

oh well. Idaten Deities thread. why are Prontea's feet so fuckin big?

they're full of secrets

now i have to finish the series immediately