Why anime remakes LOVE to drop darker atmosphere for summer-movie comical tone and replace amazingly memorable music...

Why anime remakes LOVE to drop darker atmosphere for summer-movie comical tone and replace amazingly memorable music with generic music?

Attached: newbad.jpg (2607x899, 1.03M)

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10 years ago, anons understood the basic grammar structure of questions.
So, we must have gotten newfags from regions with very different grammar rules than the places where the oldfags were recruited from.

I don't know what places those might be. I'm mostly just pissed off that people keep making the same mistake over and over again, like a retarded kid with a learning disability.

>hmm let's go off-topic and talk about online grammar
are you waiting for some A+ score for your English?

shut up you absolute sped
marketability im sure is one of the biggest reasons.. it probably takes less effort also

Whaaa, are you telling me you didn't enjoy scenes like this?

Attached: funny.png (1280x720, 934.28K)

the first anime unironically had better tone and atmosphere.
BH felt too kiddish sometimes. it's still had better ending though

>brainwashing the populace into submission
>moeblobs weaken the viewers mind
>dark themes imply the existence of biblical good and evil

10 years ago we said shit like "y u so mad"

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I always argue with my zoomer nephew about old vs new

he unironically believes "old bad, new good" and it pisses me off because he doesn't even watch the old to know if it's bad or good.

zoomers are cringe media bots

Are you saying he's wrong? Because anyone whos seen any of the anime in the OP can clearly see he isn't

you're the guy getting all mad about anime and the opinions of a literal 12 year old

he's 19

you’re saying that the original fma ost is better than this? youtu.be/Q_439qLQzHs

I hate remakes and everything that they represent. It makes me so happy that Bleach is getting a final arc adaptation instead of a reboot.

Attached: robo archer.png (480x350, 203.1K)

yall both some incels on god

because anime, especially shonen, are for children, not manchildren with no bitches

lowkey anime is totally made for manchildren with no bitches sometimes
4444 get

I just finished Dai's manga and I wouldn't define it so dark to begin with, I wonder what are you talking about. Maybe the old anime was a bit different from the manga?

the 2020 anime removed blood, toned down violence, and ruined Kill-Vearn intro

couldn't find the 2020 version on youtube but was terrible, going from creepy to lighthearted in the 2020 version