I'll never forgive these 3 animes for inventing MOESHIT

>Super Dimensional Fortress Macross
>Urusei Yatsura
>Aim for the Top Gunbuster
imagine think these overrated weaboo trash are better than mature testesterone boosters like Fist of the North Star, Gundam 0079 or Berserk

Attached: Macross.png (1800x1000, 2.39M)

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Macross is better than Gundam

>mature testesterone boosters like Fist of the North Star, Gundam 0079 or Berserk

I unironically love all these shows.
True. Macross Plus is better than any Gundam show or movie, too.
Votoms is better than Macross

hush. Robotech is superior white man's choice free of japanese trash culture MOEfaggots

Attached: images (17).jpg (305x165, 11.67K)

Did you ever read the Robotech comics they made?

>Aim for the Top Gunbuster

troll thread

i bet moef/a/gs prefer Dragonball over DBZ KINO. low test sissies.

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Opinion immediately discarded

Okay, but Frontier better than 0079? I'll punch your fucking head off.

Calm down Satan

>I am 15 and I am an adult already!

>this isn't MOE according to NPCs

>Satan is a Gundamfag

I mean Satan would be bound to have good taste, right?

nigger couldn't you post something more succinct and specific than an entire episode

>Gundam 0079
>testesterone boosters
Whiny scrawny shut-ins who constantly complain sure is manly.

I'm sure he was thinking of the chad that is Kai

Moe anime has been around since the 40s, dumb spic.

>female protagonist
>set in Japan(anti-white)
>girl yelling Senpai
>nudity up to the point where it's pornography(rots men's brain)
red flags.

Attached: gunbuster-noriko.gif (498x399, 523.34K)

Oh, so you're gay. Explain why you like FotNS despite it taking place in japan, then.

it's an exception, feels very western and the characters look and fell american. like Akira.