How can such an influential series not be known by so many people?

How can such an influential series not be known by so many people?

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Influence doesn't equal quality. It has aged very poorly.

It was known to every normalfag in the 90s, just like Naruto was in the 00, just like Attack on Titan today. Shounenshit is always immediately replaced by whatever newer one comes next.

Wasn't Fist of the North Star influenced by Mad Max, which in tern was inspired by Violence Jack?

Hokuto no ken was pretty famous in France for it's retarded humoristic dub

Holy Poggers, it's the 'You are already dead' meme series.

t. Thread
Anime is way more popular than you anons think, you just spend too much time isolated and bitchless.

Whaddaya talkin about? Omae wa mou shinderu is a meme, hell they even made a Garfield shitpost series about FoTNS

literally has one of the most famous animeme

It's old.

HNK is much harder to artificially extend it's lifespan than something like Dragon Ball. A modern revival is also much less likely because of that too. Biggest problem is probably just it's not an arc to arc story. While HNK doesn't broadcast it at first, Ken is actually on a long term mission to solve the very reason the apocalypse happened. Hokuto itself. Once all known users and branches and grudges are dead, the story is over. It doesn't translate well to video games either so it can't be given artificial life. Dragon Ball is ultimately about going on mystical adventures and laughing at the end. Making it super easy to roll over in to new content as long as someone is willing to carry that ball.

It also translates so well in to video games that it survived many decades in this form exclusively. There's a mountain of them going all the way back to the NES. Even if you run out of stories, people will play another explosive brawler with planetary scale detonation in it and be fine.

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There has never been an official English translation of the manga that didn’t stop partway through.

people prefer watching cringe now. I mean that burrito anime is still running.

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They used to air it on arabic channels when I was a kid, I wonder what retard thought that was a good idea

Too western inspired by modern weebs.

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This HnK movie was entry level back in the 90s

Tippy fucking top tier taste what a chad

I cannot fathom an artist these days getting inspired by this talent

I can tell you don't read artists interviews, are unable to read their thoughts in side materials or on their blogs, and are generally just an insufferable faggot.

Because it was heavily inspired by Western culture and features hypermasculine musclemen, so weebs and fujos aren't interested.

People know about it. It's fanbase is manily mature dudes dating from the japanimation days, so of course you won't see many people talking about it here. But newer generations recognize the characters and setting, mainly because newer anime and manga keep referencing it, the franchise itself keeps active in other media and merch, and Shueisha makes sure to include at the very least Kenshiro in every crossover promo / product.
As for engaging with it, that's another story. People have this idea that HnK is a high octane, testosterone driven action manga/anime, when in reality it's a slow paced love story with some over the top executions here and there.

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The anime has aged like shit and most people don't read manga.

Toei's adaptation is pretty bad (as much as I love it) and entirely carried by the staff/seiyuu

The only things that age like shit are trannies and women


It's in a weird spot, where it feels old and childish when the manga is neither

The art is very good and the story is super serious and tragic, it rival berserk in both, but the childish 80's cartoon image stick

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