Why does this story have so many asspulls?

Why does this story have so many asspulls?
>Ruka's gender changing vegetables
>Mayuri must die at exactly this time every timeline because of "attractor fields" forcing it
>Asspull time machine appearing at the end to save the day

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Bad writing.

Sounds about right

I personally really like how "attractor fields" adequately explain basically everything except Luka changing gender. It leaves room for the actually important stuff, and when some "convenient" shit happens it doesn't take me out of the story.

To add on to this: A lot of time travel in stories usually falls apart under scrutiny, and feel really unsatisfying, but the way it works in Steins;Gate makes it more robust and makes it so the time travel lends itself to the storytelling.

Attractor fields are just a hand wavey way to make plot events happen even when they don't make sense. That how you get Mayuri evading gunmen and then randomly getting hit by a train or getting a heart attack so that the writer's story still works without having to put in the work.

Obviously, but I don't think I've ever seen time travel in other media that makes sense in-universe.

Makes sense is putting it loosely. Re:Zero uses magic for time travel but everything that happens at least has a cause and effect.

Any Forums literally worshipped this anime until reddit latched onto it LMAO
I can't recall ever seeing an entire board so into a show when it was airing and when it finished

Don't worry this show still gets its dick sucked endlessly elsewhere even though it doesn't deserve it one bit.

>thing foreshadowed at the very beginning is an asspull

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>>Ruka's gender changing vegetables
That was funny.
>>Mayuri must die at exactly this time every timeline because of "attractor fields" forcing it
That's an established plot point.
>>Asspull time machine appearing at the end to save the day
That happened at the start of the series.

Have you missed how this whole show was about getting to the point where said time machine gets to exist ?

Alright, bro. Go back and watch BNHA since that seems more up to your taste.

because every facet of that universe from the ground up was tailor made to let Okabe play god with his friends and go through le epic comedy and tragedy where based akibahara NEET saves the world from teh ebul STEM majors with real jobs while a red headed closet otaku stacey falls in love with him because he suffers so much manpain from the consequences of his actions

Everything outside of Okabe is just a prop for Okabe to interact with

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This anime is based on a science that is very volatile and inconsistent in nature even in real life which explains your first problem. The other 2 were well explained, you just didn't have the attention span to comprehend it.

Everything has a cause and effect in S;G too, but things that happen in one world line can be the cause of an effect in another world line.

Even microwave banana time machine thing was so fucking retarded
Just make it magic at this point instead of bs like electrons generated from tv downstairs going up and becoming le micro niggerholes due to microwaves kinda shit
Also how the fuck did kurisu make such an advanced system on her own using only shit found in akihabara lmao
anything can happen in this anime that it breaks tension for me

>speedwatcher didn't pick up on Kurisu developing that technology as part of a bleeding edge research team back in America

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>Ruka's gender changing vegetables
Not what happens
>Mayuri must die at exactly this time every timeline because of "attractor fields" forcing it
The literal premise of the story, not an asspull
>Asspull time machine appearing at the end to save the day
It's there from the very start of the story

She makes that improvement at okabe's ""lab"" on her own using only stuff found in akihabara. Any engineer knows that that's bullshit. You need a good team and hi tech equipment and good lab for that shit.

Steins;Gate is about the only example of a time travel story that's 100% logically consistent without any holes, bugs or handwaves.

It tells you the rules of time travel, it doesn't handwave them away, it makes it extremely clear how it works and interacts and it's true to it the entire way through. There's some parts you have to pay attention to because the earlier explanations were intentional lies, but it never changes the rules- it's not like Butterfly Effect that uses the Stigmata that would have now always been there to escape from jail, it's truly consistent.

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>>Ruka's gender changing vegetables
>Not what happens
That's what happens, although it could be chalked up as butterfly effect after the mother received a text she didn't originally get.