Kuromorimine is ultimate proof that Wehraboos are tastelets

Kuromorimine is ultimate proof that Wehraboos are tastelets

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These people are so strategically brainless that a basic flanking manoeuvre to get around a dug-in defensive line is considered to be tactical genius. Their success has never been down to anything but brute forcing everything with extremely heavy and expensive armour.

>all Kuromorimine obsessively loves Miho
Does not compute.

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I want to be that laptop.

Pillow for me.

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that is why a team of fucking nobodies can beat them, because the prospect of an original thought is their kryptonite

that said, Erika and Maho are hot and I will not have them slandered, especially since Erika is beginning to understand that straightlining the enemy isn't the best tactic

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I love that series of doujins where Maho gets raped and eventually Erika gets raped alongside Maho, and to have her heart absolutely broken when she looks at Maho enjoying it, while she was thinking she would never give in.

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Is this an Armageddon reference?


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Who is next to Shiho?

I'd like to tap Alisa with my wire if you catch my drift

Jesus fuck they must be like three meters tall, look at the size of these chairs. muh dick

I like that das Finale and Ribbon Warrior share the plot point that Ooarai really shook up senshadou scene. Pre-Ooarai it was just a pay-to-win game and an excuse to larp a foreign culture. Closer to a historical war reenactment than a sport. Post-Ooarai, suddenly people are trying to innovate and win. I imagine ater a few years a set of strategies will become developed that everyone uses and the fun variety will disappear.

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Alice's Mom

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What are they even doing there?

going over what went wrong during the Anzio training

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Discussing strategy.