This "used goods" fad is fucking trash...

This "used goods" fad is fucking trash, I hope it goes the way of battle harems and existential mecha and dies in a few years.

Attached: 669.jpg (657x880, 125.72K)

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I don't even have a problem with non-virgin heroines but I feel like a lot of these manga are implying that their MCs have some moral superiority for being willing to take in a woman who's used goods. Like every one of them is a purification story.
Like motherfucker just don't make a goddamn fuss about this shit to start.

>MCs have some moral superiority for being willing to take in a woman who's used goods.
Isn't that basically just the bearded numale's most deeply held fantasy.

This is a mainstream phenomenon in 21st century society.
The odds of you being able to get a woman after getting her first time and marrying her are very low today.
And buying second hand, it's an option for autistic people. They remain fearful of women and are extremely shy. Do not dare to actively pursue a woman.
Such people are very easily controlled by women and do not cheat at all. They will give their salary to women. Finally, they find out that they have been cheated by women and lost everything.

Attached: Screenshot_20220812_011902.jpg (1600x1569, 1M)

How many popular current series have main girls that are confirmed non virgins?

Its not that, the target audience is miserable men that earnestly feel in their heart deeply they aren't good enough to get the women of their dreams.
These men also believe non-virgin women are lower value, so it makes the story feel more relatable to them. It makes them feel closer to the fantasy of actually getting a girl. They feel like they can self insert better.

Non-virgin women are of lower value.

100% agree. It's a weird overreaction to the expectation of purity that most series have. But it pushes too far in the opposite direction. Like, pic related is a fluffy, doki-doki love story of two former pornstars who ran into each other in their hometown. What the actual fuck.

Just have it be like "you're the second guy I've ever dated and I love you" and call it a day.

Fuck off with your 3dpd blackpill shit

Attached: More than lovers less than friends.png (800x1119, 245.95K)

you will never have sex

Already have. With multiple women. My autism makes me happier alone.

user there is no need to tell lies on the internet, we all know you're profoundly ugly, and have low self esteem.

This is why you endlessly project, and desperately try to imitate the opinions of a normalfag.

I suppose it's just another way to stir up drama, romcom is a trash genre in general

Hit the nail on the head. I just don't get it, seems like the Japanese are simply way fucked in the head and can't correct it no matter which way they go. Can't let go or their holier-than-thou tendencies.

This thread is speeding towards page 10 anyways, so I'll answer you before it dies. I'm not projecting, I'm genuinely six feet tall and moderately attractive. I genuinely have autism. I hate sleeping in the same bed as another person. I hate that I have to respond to a girlfriend's texts whenever she sends them, or else she gets mad. I hate that another person has access to my life 24/7. Like, bitch why can't you be happy being alone on a computer like I am most of the time? Let me stay in my cave and you can stay in yours and we can come out and snuggle once a week.

I hate the obligation of intimacy but I don't want to die alone. That's worse than being an ugly virgin.

It's time to post your selfies.
Otherwise everything you say is meaningless.

Okay then it's meaningless. I really don't care one way or the other if you believe me.

it's literally written by a woman you retards

Sauce on this with english captions? Couldn't find it online.

I only have the full Chinese version.

Stfu, I may be an ugly incel on the Internet, but IRL I fucked your mom.

I agree with you but I also have a problem with nonvirgin heroines.

>The odds of you being able to get a woman after getting her first time and marrying her are very low today.
That is no reason to compromise.

>you're the second guy I've ever dated and I love you" and call it a day.
Functionally no different from "I used to do AV"

Why not just read NTR or smut at that point?
I'll never understand

The vast majority of people compromise.
And that's just second-hand.
The saddest thing is still being cheated by second-hand women with nothing to lose.