
How powerful he is? He seems so invincible.

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Weaker than Mihawk

Attached: ONCE as powerful as Mihawk (whose title he could NOT claim for himself) - ONCE - PAST tense - the weak little jobber is a fucking joke now that he lost his arm.jpg (828x453, 81.65K)

Weaker than Mihawk

Are you serious?

Attached: CHADHAWK is waiting for someone stronger than SHITnks.png (1235x630, 234.86K)

Yonko tier

Lost his arm to a fish lmao

How did he forget to use HAKI to save luffy ???

I think the running excuse is gonna be that he allowed his arm to get bitten off in order to motivate Luffy. The fact that Shanks lost his arm to save Luffy probably had a profound effect on Luffy's development as a person.

Either that or that encounter with the sea monster was the first time Shanks awakened to Conqueror's Haki.

Oda hadn't thought of armament haki then

>stares harder and meaner at you

Therefore Buggy Pirates are stronger than the Red Hair Pirates

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Why does Buggy age so much worse than Shanks? Shanks still looks fairly young. Buggy just keeps accumulating more and more wrinkles.

>sails around for like a decade doing absolutely nothing
>"umm, uhh, we should try to find the Wan Piss now guys!!" only after Kaido and Big Meme got BTFO

>has Shanks superior and stronger former rival WORKING for him, along with other big-shots
>puts bounties on fucking MARINES and hunts them down like animals

Shanks is pathetic and will get killed by Blackbeard

Luffy has already beaten the canonically strongest character in One Piece, so it doesn't matter how song the next opponents are

Well no shit. He is the older brother.

White Beard
Monkey Dragon

This is officially the top 5 strongest characters in to walk the one piece earth. Not my opinion, just facts from the manga itself. Shanks hasn't shown his full potential off just yet though.

Cope harder

One piece really suffers from not having the balls to ACTUALLY focus on other characters. Instead oda lets them bloat every moment with whatever the strawhats are doing. He wasted so much time throughout the manga with pure padding and time wasting but couldn't bother to show the reader anything shanks or dragon or blackbeard are doing at any point. im sure oda will do some big lore dumps when these characters show up to job in the last final wars but thats so lame. one piece as a manga is cool but i dont think oda is actually that good of a mangaka

Mihawk barely breaks the top 10. Kaidou is like 7 or 8 now. Monkey D Luffy is 6. Facts don't about your feelings bro

Your headcanon isn't real, cope harder troon

Remember that Luffy has now literal god powers

Mihawk is irrelevant and just waiting for Zoro to fuck him up at some point

this is just oda giving the shanktards something to eat before he inevitably will be killed by BB and in the meantime be used as a device to hype how strong BB is AKA Luffy's final opponent.

He's the Lord of the Coast's bitch.

Luffys already stronger than him. It will be another Crocodile type fight where he just has to figure out how to get past the meme darkness and then BB will be a scrub.

We haven't even seen him fight once.

We know he can bend Kizura over now though

pre DF gave shanks PTSD and a scar and shanks said he was on guard so it wasn't a sneak attack

Wouldn't be surprised if Zolo is already stronger than Bitchnks

what reason does blackbeard has for killing him? He doesn't have a devilfruit

>non canon

no he really can't. kizaru is stronger and so is aokiji and akainu. he could only take GB and TRAITORjitora hard diff.

he will kill every nakama of Roger so nobody gets the One Piece or some shit like that

Shanks is a stronger swordsman than Mihawk

Kizzy is a joke year threat now


No he was about equal at one point. Untill he jobbed to a fucking fish Luffy later defeated when he left his island for the first time.

the reason bb has for killing him is because he will get in the way and try to stop bb from reaching laugh tale at the end. the fact that shanks now suddenly wants to "join the race" is clear foreshadowing for that.
also the whole 'm-muh haki supreme" shtick will soon fall apart because luffy is a DF user and will surpass everyone in the OPverse and BB will be his strongest adversary (also a DF user).

you forgot Zunesha