You guys ever read Dead Tube? It's the edgiest thing I've ever read, and to be honest I love it

You guys ever read Dead Tube? It's the edgiest thing I've ever read, and to be honest I love it.

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Yes, I like it.
It is also not even close to the edgiest thing I ever read.
Try the idiot noodle.

but it turned into shit after the second arc

This is WAY edgier.

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Read the Freak Island

I enjoy it a lot, but Dead Tube's tongue in cheek. It's edge is there purely for the fun of it, instead of the writer actually believing some embarrassing edgelord shit he's writing would be profound

it's shit

Its pretty shit, I only read cause the art is pretty erotic.

It was ok.
I soft dropped it after the father reveal, will pick up again sometime

I feel bad for Justice Man.

I used to read it but I was never a big fan because as other anons said it's gore and porn without much meaning put behind them.

I would but

Does it contain rape?

It contains all possible fetishes one can come up with, minus maybe scat

a lot

Nothing was more hilarious then seeing all his fans beat the shit into his sister then her calling him ugly on her death bed.

>Freak Island
I remember the last time I read a chapter of that, there was a Priest getting pissed that one of the characters killed and ate the baby AntiChrist, and that's all I can remember from it.

>the writer actually believing some embarrassing edgelord shit he's writing would be profound
Examples? Is Chainsaw Man one of them?

Wait, didn't this finished when he finally killed his father?

New arc. Dead Tube never goes down

freesia was edgier i think