Korean GF doesn't like me watching Anime and reading Manga?

Op says it all. What the fuck do I do?

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Why doesn't she?
It doesn't need to be a mutal hobby- I'm sure there things she enjoys that aren't for you either so why the complaint?

she says i'm misogynistic for supporting japanese otaku media
also whole comfort women thing

Why does she need to know? Just do your stuff and don't mind her

imagine letting anyone dictate what you can and cannot enjoy. Huge red flag. dump her ass

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Stop reposting your shitty blog every day, this isn't

Korean women aren't worth it user. They are hot and your dick will unfortunately mislead you but don't be fooled.
Not saying Japanese girls don't have their issues too but still I found Korean girls to have similar hang ups but worse.

I dream of an Any Forums where threads like these are deleted.


And Dr. Seuss was anti-jap before apologizing. That is a better example of direct prejudice being corrected then generalizing all anime as supporting comfort women.
Ask her to be more specific with her arguments instead something that vague and reaching.
Ghibli is anime, and Miyazaki is notriously anti-war.
FMA is about on eof the most pacificst shounen in existence- it's extremely normie tier and also anti-war.
Like unless your watching shield hero right Infront of her or hentai non stop- I don't think the problem is anime- or japa' mysogny which is about average considering most countries in the world. it's the fact you aren't talking to each other- or one / both parties aren't listening.
Work on your communication or don't. Go do tht now.

Find another gook

Punch her in the face and say you man she woman

It should work.

Angry revenge sex

>>Any Forums
>>Any Forums
Fuck off, retard

dump that bitch


mandarians or japs
no other east asian is worth it
SEA monkeys included,

She doesn't like that anime girls are way hotter than she is

Basically, she's jealous that you find them attractive so your choices are dump the bitch or fuck her stupid

Have her cosplay your anime waifus while having sex that will have her appreciate anime

Either dump her and move on or get her pregnant and take control of her life

Also if you legit have a Gf and this isn't some weird bait. Don't ask for relationship advice on the worst site possible for it.
No shoo, no more blogging or fake blogging- talk to actual people that'd help you.

Ditch her and date a cute Japanese girl.
