I don't give even one solitary fuck about anime

I don't give even one solitary fuck about anime

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Go back to Any Forums tranny

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You cared enough to make that post.

I only care about manga


Same. Based as fuck.


Why does Any Forums hate frogs?

Post your waifu

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No one cares newfag. 9 year olds usually don't.

Because they post shit like this.

How does Any Forums do it? Even with all it's flaws it still manages to maintain a level of quality far above the other media boards.


my brothers in nini...

You can't even do it.

die frogtranny

best thread on Any Forums

los hermanos de nini...

I only care about light novels

The Absolute State of 2022 Any Forums

Zoomer newfags ruined Any Forums.

I don't give even one solitary fuck about the anime Any Forums cares. I don't know why I keep shitposting here.


can i say tranime in this thread?

onions senpai desu


are there any more auto filtered words?

I only care about manwha, manhua, and their adaptations. Japan is stale and old news.

s'mh is also filtered to baka

Why is this thread still here?

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>Half an hour still up

opposite for me. I don't give a fuck about manga. I like animation, not comics.

>die frogtranny

Attached: 10786 - 2soyjaks angry anime blood bloodshot_eyes blue_hair chino_kafuu clothes glasses gochiusa mustache soyjak stubble tippy tranny variant alicia variant feraljak yellow_teeth.png (646x881, 365.37K)


not sure why Any Forums specifically has such a hate boner for frogs and 'jaks (even anime edits of them aren't allowed but non anime images are?)