This is the best anime I’ve seen in years

>0 faggotry
>almost no stupid little kid shit
>great dialogue and character development
>based on real history
>great fight scenes

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Who's gonna tell him?

>almost no stupid little kid shit
It spends like 10 episodes on the main character being a kid constantly screeching at the top of his lungs.

>huuurrrr Canute is gay and a tranny!
Yea no

All you are describing as negative is in Vinland Saga I don't know what are you saying.

No shit it builds the character development so you see thorfinn change from a mostly happy little kid to someone completely consumed by revenge. I meant dumb little kid shit like a pet bird that does stupid dances and characters acting like children whenever they get to eat food or are around a girl.

Canute isn't the issue. Its what's after that.

Cordelia is in less than 30 panels of the entire series so far. Imagine being such a Charmin Soft™ pussy ass bitch that you get triggered by the presence of something you dislike. Your parents failed you.

>faggot talking about failure

You're talking about failure now?

>immediately thinks of the tranny
Did anyone mention that that was the issue? If it was only that, then nobody would care outaide a laugh or two.

That's the only "faggotry" in the entire manga.

Its literally Naruto but with viking Sasuke as the protagonist

yea pretty much, he also gets brutally mogged because of his retarded approach at revenge, like it should have happened with Saucegay if he wasn't kishi's special boi.
Too bad that was left out for the second season, we're approaching dangerous pastel pink and blue waters here.....

>0 faggotry
>acknowledges faggotry
you can’t be serious

>your parents failed you
ironic, coming from a Looney Troon.

I was going to pick up VS because Planetes was fantastic. I expected great things from Yakimura. Too bad the mangaka watched too much Netflix and had his brain melted by westoid jew pozz. Luckily Any Forumsnons warned me in time, so nothing of value was lost.

>obvious bait thread
>retards devour that shit
Many such cases

Are there any Farmland equivalent arcs in other manga that keep that quality?


How is this bait? This manga/anime is really freaking good that’s the entire point of this thread and plebs come in here shitting it up comparing it to Naruto an anime that only casuals and niggers watch,

user I...

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