So Any Forums why did NyaaPantsu fail and what was the "troubling things" the devs had heard?

So Any Forums why did NyaaPantsu fail and what was the "troubling things" the devs had heard?

Attached: Screenshot from 2017-05-12 08-28-47.png (742x136, 30.15K)

The developer used ((())) in one of the threads here and they took it to mean he was a nazi.


oy vey

Attached: hand rubbing intensifies.webm (750x720, 65.53K)

nyaapantsu is a dumb name

> is down right now on a 429 error
What's going on...

Attached: happy merchant.png (350x490, 144.87K)

works fine for me desu

Werks on my machine, must be a you problem

It's fine for me

they are bretty weak if they can't handle some casual bigotry

Attached: sad chopper 1659827716206906.png (238x244, 38.45K)

nyaapantsu was started by the evil hacker known as Any Forums

that's a pretty safe assumption

Sounds more like a convenient excuse to back out of the project.

I miss clicking mafuyu

I don't even know what that means. Looks like the emoticon for an butthole.

It's used with a name in-between to imply they are a jew.
Like (((Daiz))).

oh shit guess that makes (((me))) a nazi now


Is Daiz still alive? He seems to have died when simulsubs became a thing.

Did people learn nothing from nyaa dying last time? You should NEVER have all your eggs in one basket. But no, people would rather there be one definitive site that's run by shady fuckers who are just as prone to selling out/copyright attacks/government fuckery/etc. as anyone.
Also fuck any kind of centralized authority that springs up for a hobby. They're always cancer.

A few different ones that all have the same content is what's needed. Have at least one that's difficult enough for people to access to make it less likely to be shut down.

It makes you a shapeshifter.