People always complain about bland MCs

But why is it encouraged for female characters to be as bland as possible? The most boring robotic girl often wins both the MCbowl and the popularity polls, but if the character was a male you would think they're utter trash.
There's always some preachy Japanese traditionalist morals about how the incredibly bland, cold yamato nadeshiko Japbot is the only proper kind of character, where all the other girls are mere foils portrayed as worthless trash whores and are character assassinated to make some kind of point.
For the slightest misstep, for the slightest deviance in aesthetic or behavior. They're so vindictive.

It's total propaganda. Every fucking time. Where do they get off pretending to be so high and mighty, so fucking self-righteous, considering the utterly shameless schlock they're writing?

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I'm just explaining to you what fucking Mcbowls and harems are

People complain about "bland" main characters because they just hate male main characters and don't want to say that they hate male main characters.
Also the pussy pass exists.

Are you the same user always typing out these long rants about mcbowls?

Probably yea.

If you want used goods whores watch western trash

traditionalism = no fun allowed.
this is nothing new.

>tell us you are incel without telling us you are an incel

Why are the only options in your retarded brain "emotionless ice brick wifebot" and "cockhungry turboslut"?

To be fair, that's exactly how Japs see things as well.

asians only want emotionless fuck dolls that's why
they hate personality or anything that stands out

Because you are watching shows intended for male viewers, whereas for a good male character they'll want proper motivations, depth, a story, etc. while female characters just exist as glorified onaholes and you don't really want anything else from them other than to serve as motivation to the more complex character (me).
Specifically for male otaku viewers, because it is a relatively safe and profitable audience.
You could watch shows, both more mainstream, the like of which non otaku would watch, or even more niche, that don't have these traits at all.
It is probably the best path for you to enjoy your time, because especially in wish fulfillment fantasies that have MC bowls and whatnot, sometimes an onahole that'll be pretty and strike your ego is really all that the character is meant to be.

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I don't think you understand the people who watch this kind of garbage in the first place.

Its not necessarily that people love bland girls. People love when MC is able to break through the cold robotic exterior, and the girl shows emotion and vulnerability. It makes the moments hit harder when the girl finally releases the valve.
But I agree. The cool robotic guarded female archetype is incredibly boring a lot of the time, because its not done well. Why would MC actually like that girl as opposed to a similarly attractive one with an interesting personality they actually mesh with? Its because its wis fulfillment and bad writing.
Pic is unrelated in my opinion though. Shes definitely not the best example, but in comparison to most of them, shes better.

But what I'm wondering is why such trashy material is pretending to be so snobby and moralistic.

The more entertaining personalities are usually deemed lesser, morally wrong in some way.

Ryuu managing to be better than the vast majority of danmachi characters says a lot more about the show itself.

Because she has a vagina, obviously, retard.

Nobody with any semblance of taste likes doormat female leads with no personality. Nobody with any semblance of taste watches the kind of trash that you're complaining about either. So fuck off with both your shit taste and your autistic r9k bullshit.

Best girl

i like both bland MCs because they're literally me and girls like Ryuu.