Takes as much as it gives you through equivalent exchange

>takes as much as it gives you through equivalent exchange
This is the worst power in JoJo. Who the fuck would actually pay so much to eat one of these?

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The stand user SPEED READ? Here? On my imageboard?

That's why there's a doctor that can make the 'exchange' more bearable.

he posted colored shit, didn't even need to read the post to know he is retarded

I don't read the colored volumes, what's so bad about them?

what the fruit believes is equal is not the same as the values of the person who eats it. Someone who has broken hands may gladly trade his ability to walk to use them, say an artist.

The baseball player is a good example of a person where it makes sense. He was a pitcher and so his arm was everything. The fruit ruined his teeth to heal his arm, which likely is something very acceptable. Another example (which is from real life of someone who would probably trade something for something else) would be someone who plays an instrument, like piano or violin, trading other parts of their body to fix their fingers so they can play again. Or Mitsuba sacrificing her nose to save her unborn baby. It isn't hard to understand.

And the reason the new fruit was so sought after was because you pushed that exchange onto someone else.

What made him such an incredible antagonist?

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Fingerfucking girls 70 years younger than him.

it's free for women because they can use the babies as sacrifice

It was literally the plot of the series that everyone wanted the New Rokakaka because they could force someone else to take the price. That's literally the entire reason everyone is fighting, you stupid retard.

The cave on the Higashikata estate seemed to do the same thing and it was never well explained from what I remember why the fruit would do anything different than that cave did. There was no reason given for why the new fruit would heal the curse when that cave, that seemingly does the same thing, never did.

The rock humans were dealing the fruit well before the new rokakaka happened, speed reader.

No wonder people here hate Jojolion, you guys don't even remember the plot

No wonder they don't remember the plot, it was shit.


There was a plot?

Cave/Wall Eyes swaps the actual parts between people.
New Rokakaka heals the body on its own and gives someone else the penalty.
It's like comparing surgery to regeneration.

Worse than the vines that kill you?

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the fact that someone was able to imagine someone as retarded as this at all

So incredible, he didn't make it in the game.

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She was just too weak to handle a manifested stand. Her stand probably had some actual ability.

Why did Rai destroy all the old Rokakaka plants? I don't get the logic here. Was he worried that the Rokakaka were infected with the viruses Wu was filling the room with? They could have at least saved one just in case they couldn't get the new Rokakaka for Holly.

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JoJolion is a story about breaking a curse.