They just don't make em like this anymore

They just don't make em like this anymore

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I'm amazed this exists at all in retrospect. It's fucking odd in comparison to anything else in the industry.

Was the assassin gay I wonder

If you mean good anime, then yes they still do. But if you're referring to a show that seamlessly blends in genres and elements that you'd imagine clashing with each other but end up complimenting each other, then you'd still be wrong.

nope to both

Well, you'd be wrong.

Nah that'd be you

Examples of the second category? Preferrably something where the very premise of the show involves a blend of genres, rather than having a bunch of episodes in different styles/settings (like Dandy or Flip Flappers).

i liked this better than bebop. I got bored of Dandy half way through.

What do you mean? They still make 5/10 style over substance anime.

and thats a good thing

but it did have substance? There was an overarching plot punctuated by unique daily adventures.

Gay for pay only.

He's just being contrarian cunt. Champloo is the deepest and most philosophical work of fiction since Dragon Ball, everybody knows that. Nothing else can even compare.

Attached: CHADgen.jpg (1920x1080, 471.14K)

There was an objective (find the samurai) but no progression from episode to episode. Every episode is them reaching a place, meeting an NPC who's harassed by the local yakuza, then they beat the local yakuza with brute force to save the day and the move to the next place. It's basically episodic and you can skip episodes without missing a thing.

Kabukicho Sherlock isn't great as an anime but it's good at blending stuff together

anime and manga writers just stopped making fun characters for some reason
it's all just self-insert templates or brainless NPC sluts or walking fetish amalgamations with no personalities of their own, it's awful

most anime from pic related era was trash, put off your nostalgia glasses

I don't get the hype with Bebop, the only great episode is Pierrot le fou, and the movie ts a total ripoff of Patlabor 2, but worse in every ways. Is this just for the jazz? Go watch Kemonozume or something

these characters are boiler plate.
>Silent but strong
>rough and rowdy
only one with any sort of nuance is fuu

I don't think the writing is the biggest problem it's the utter shit rushed computer animation

I disagree, but I respect your opinion. I've never watched a trash show just for good animation, but I've done the opposite.