Hataraku Maou-sama!!

you like the new animation, right user?

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couldnt take it and dropped show after 2nd episode. its so fuckign cheap and ugly. nearly dropped in the opening recap of ep 1 with that abomination. i had recently rewatched season 1, so it was especially jarring how bad modern outsourced to indonesia tier anime has become.

>its so fuckign cheap and ugly

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Compare that to Healer Girl and you know which one Studio 3Hz prioritized.

I don’t dislike it, but most of Alas’ shots in any given episode make me varying degrees of uncomfortable.

Really don't look forward to it.

it's already airing

I know, don't look forward to the next episodes. Probably will let the season end before speeding through the rest if I do end up even watching them.

Soulless second season

Peak sakuga

How the fuck did they get away with this? It's what I'd expect from a free YouTube video, not an animation studio. What, did they put their B-team interns on this with a budget of 40 bucks?

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This is so bad it's making me reconsider my evaluation of the first season.

Healer Girl looked just as bad

Haha thank God Im not watching season 2 and just read the manga.

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>Reading the series at all past the point S1 finished
You've only got yourself to blame as you watch it get progressively worse and worse

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pampers baby dry

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Season 1 was better animated than it had any right to be, not just the superior facial expressions but the character models, the line art, the camera movement, all of it was legit good-to-great.

I will always enjoy and appreciate what we got with that first season, and I will completely ignore this second and live a much better happier life as a result.

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>progressively worse and worse
Last I checked, S1 didn't end with the Ente Isla arc, so no.

I want to see more Chiho x Maou, why is it always Emi. We need more of the Mcdonalds duo!

At least this can be extended with some QUALITY shots.

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