Any Forums sings - Motteke Sailor Fuku (Lucky Star OP)

Sing for the Luckies.

Just a quick reminder, if you send your submission via email, you should get a confirmation email back from me stating that your submission has been received. If you post it in the thread, I'll reply to your post stating that I received your submission. I've updated the instructions on how to participate down below.

Deadline is August 17. You don't have to sing it all in one go. You can sing it in chunks and submit that way.

If you want to join, here's how to:
>Record yourself singing the song without adding any effects or editing the audio
>Submit said recording by uploading it to catbox or vocaroo and posting it in the thread, or by directly sending me the recording through email at [email protected]
>Wait for confirmation that your submission has been received. If you don't receive confirmation within three days, resubmit.

Feel free to scream, shout, talk, and or sing like an autist while doing this song. In fact, I encourage it so that we can match the song's energy. Also, if you can and want to, sing the backing vocals to the song. It's a bit more work, but it'll be fun.

Here's the starter pack for the song containing the lyrics, JP lyrics, original song, and instrumental:

In case you don't want to download the starter pack:
>Original Song
>JP Lyrics
Look at the post below this one

Good luck!

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Other urls found in this thread:

JP lyrics

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Any Forumsss 3 is moving slowly but surely, Any Forums sings - Girls Last Tour ED is almost complete. user is doing the visuals and the song appears to be finished.
Last month's k/a/raoke

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Currently updating the Any Forums sings archive. Turns out the following songs were missing:
Original Any Forums sings Cagayake Girls
Original Any Forums sings Colors
Any Forums sings Juice
Any Forums sings Uninstall Acapella Version
Any Forums sings Uninstall

Will post the updated Archive soon.

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and if you're looking for more singing projects, anons are singing Rolling Girl if you know where to look

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how tf did a jashin chan character appear in lucky star

the snek never dies

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>know where to look
Discord you mean?

wouldn't that defeat the purpose for a /board/ sings project?

So where then?

Gee user, who knows? lurk moar

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More One Night is done.

God bless. I've waited 4 years for this.

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Nice nice nice nice nice nice

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It took us two or even more mixers to finally release this song, we even had to redo submissions at some point because the OG mixer lost them too.

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I’m honestly surprised that we haven’t done a Any Forums sings Buzy Be Somewhere aka Rockman.EXE Stream OP.

Hmm, maybe I could try to do some backing vocals. I need to listen to it real good then.

Thanks for trying them user.