>Oh hello chubby boy, despite how loud we were last night, I could still hear you cry in your room. Was something bothering you?
Oh hello chubby boy, despite how loud we were last night, I could still hear you cry in your room...
>he provokes the upcoming war hero fat bald old man
It's like you want to ntr yourself
>Drinking cum
This title had some good netorare.
I enjoyed seeing the fatty fall so much, and the rage of self-inserters in real life about it was even more delicious.
The one thing I raged about was that the show was marketed as the robophile's paradise but instead they benched the robots.
>self-inserting as a side character
If you are going to shitpost use better bait, senpai.
That's the bizarre thing with self-inserters.
They instinctively pick out the biggest loser of their own gender, no matter how much of a side character.
Franxx and Netuzou Trap are good examples of how this works.
>the cute lesbo is the only one that gets super old
Fuck this
It will never not be funny how many people fell for Virgin Road's self-insert bait.
What do we call this kind of character development?
Hair product disappearance
Forced heterosexualization
>My facial structure, eyebrows, and mannerisms change after I get a haircut.
Why is NTR so rare? Was Franxx the last show which delivered good NTR, fellow cucks?
Getting a gf.
Did you actually self-insert as the fatso?
I just laughed at him and all the viewers who got mad about it.
lose edge
return to shota form
>tfw too intellectual to participate in gender war
>can't actually ignore kokoro's kokoros however
Consume the cum chalice
>Why is NTR so rare?
Because NTR makes otaku seethe and seething otaku = animation buildings burning. Nobody wants to take the risk that some shut-in virgin incel finally snaps and comes out of their room for the first time in 20 years just to stab them in a sardine-packed train.
You homos are deranged.