last Dump:
Boku no Hero Academia 362
there is no way he's staying dead
he is going to OH MY EXPLODING HEART and pull some bullshit with OFA and you know it
anyone who actually takes this fakeout death seriously is a coping retard
>he is going to OH MY EXPLODING HEART
that's already happened, his heart got exploded this chapter lmao
How will he react to Bakugo's death?
will the loli reverse this?
GODga ended SHITnamight
I thought Shiggy hit his chest
Is it weird that he might be killed of for real, yet I still feel nothing?
I wish I can say "Oh wow, he had the balls to kill off a major character" but I know Hori doesn't like to do that. Killing Nighteye was no big deal but not many people care about him and he's used as a tragic plot point for that arc, and Midnight was sacrificed just so there's an important kill count during the war along with dead hero nobodies...
I used to defend Hori and get hyped but after so many fakeouts, I don't even believe that Bakugou is dead at all and there's gonna be some bullshit quirk that will revive that fucker.
place your bets on chapters this lasts
1, 2, 3,
five weeks tops?
Aizawa is running the pot!
Her quirk only works on living things.
yeah he did but he crushed his heart and it looked like his heart popped open like a balloon
he did idk why these retards think he blew out his heart. his body goes flying and skips off the ground before jeanist catches him
wait the chapter was only 13 pages long?
so what happened? I can't make out the art well
look at the last panel
Yeah I agree, it more looks like Shiggy tried to hit him on his heart, and it does seem like the punch didn't hit as hard as it would have cause the other heroes held it back, and you can even see that Bakugou used his palms to try to get away too
Now I don't know if he isn't dead or not, but personally, I don't believe it
I’ve seen translations say “organic” or “living” things. If it’s the former, he can come back. If it’s the latter he’s done for.
16 pages
Last chapter was 11, Hori's at the end of his rope.
yeah I know. now go look at the last three panels in the dump, you can see shiggys beam him in the chest as the big 3 attack.
Who's the biggest jobber, Bakugo or Dabi?
why would Hori draw his heart popping if he didnt meant that
Bakugo at least has a win
definitely bakugo. jobbing yourself to death is beyond pathetic
i will translate in a sec.
ok so since the bitch is confirmed dead let's try to find how horikoshi is going to resurrect him, the more retarded the better
here's mine: deku's final powerup will be to "complete" OfA by fusing it with AfO which will give him unironic reality warping powers, he'll become like the writer of the story and will be able to manifest whatever he wants like a living bakugo, I take this from this bugman hori's love with mcu style meta commentary (he likes to have his characters act as if they were aware they were in a story) and the flashback between AfO and his brother where they're talking about comic books
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